We ❤ Our Volunteers!
Become an Active Friend of Whidbey State Parks
You can choose how you would like to help!
You can Join a Work Party or Adopt-a-Trail, Park Area, or Beach...

Join a Work Party!
Windstorms cause branches to fall onto trails, invasive plants need to be removed and trails need maintenance. You can help keep the parks spruced up by volunteering for work parties organized by our Friends group.

At Fort Casey
Fort Casey has 8 historic Batteries that need
year-round TLC.
You can adopt a Battery & keep it looking great.
Be a Park Steward

Care for your favorite beach while hiking the shoreline. Good exercise for you and picking up litter is good for beach critters! Partner with WSU Beach Cleanup
You can Assist with Park Sponsored Programs

Help with interpretive programs is always needed.
Jr. Ranger & summer programs, scavenger hunts, nature walks. Work with the Park's Interpretive Specialist.

Special Events
Help out with special events at the park such as: Outdoor Discovery Day, National Lighthouse Day, and Light Up Your Holiday!

Fort Casey Volunteer Battalion
Join the Volunteer Battalion and give Fort tours in the summer. Learn about the history of Fort Casey so you can teach visitors about everyday life at the Fort during WW l and WW ll.
Learn about the history of the Admiralty Head Lighthouse, built in 1903 ~ when you are trained by the Park's Program Specialist. The light- house has a small museum and a gift shop that is run by the docents. Learn more at: lighthouse docent.
Lighthouse Docent

Help support and care for the parks you love!
Become a Member ~ no membership fees
You choose how you want to help! You'll receive updates about volunteer opportunities, upcoming projects, accomplishments & what's going on in the parks... Download a Member Form
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